I'm developing a small application that will simplify logging, it does so by adding some inputs to an MS Access database through OleDB.
let private conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)
let private submitCmd date wins =
let cmd = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO ArenaStats ([Date], [Wins]) VALUES (@Date, @Wins)",
Connection = conn, CommandType = CommandType.Text)
["@Date", box date; "@Wins", box wins]
|> List.iter (cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue >> ignore)
let private submit date wins =
(submitCmd date wins).ExecuteNonQuery() |> ignore
[<CompiledName "AddEntry">]
let addEntry(date:DateTime, wins:int) =
submit date wins
Now testing this through FSI works just as expected. However, when I consume this API from a C# WPF project it will throw an SEHException
at conn.Open()
. I am really scratching my head over why this is happening.
As suggested, I have also tried to implement the same code purely in C# and in the same project, it will throw the same exception at the same place but I am posting the code below for reference.
class MsAccessDatabase : IArenaWinsDatabase {
private OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
private OleDbCommand SubmitCommand(DateTime date, int wins) {
return new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO ArenaStats ([Date], [Wins]) VALUES (@Date, @Wins)") {
Connection = connection,
CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text,
Parameters = {
new OleDbParameter("@Date", date),
new OleDbParameter("@Wins", wins)
public void Submit(DateTime date, int wins) {
try {
SubmitCommand(date, wins).ExecuteNonQuery();
finally {
External Component has thrown an Exception.
– PantinErrorCode
? – Krenn