I have code that makes it easy and fast to write/test code, that code does not belong in my production code (mostly it mocks out the server so I only need the grunt server).
Two parts to this, one is how to I remove parts of a script
angular.module('nglaborcallApp', [
'server_mocks', // Don't want this line in the production build
and then a section of index.html that needs to go away
<!-- build:js({.tmp,app}) scripts/mocks/mocks.js -->
<script type='text/javascript'>var Mocks = {};</script>
<script src='scripts/mocks/jobs.js'></script>
<script src='scripts/mock.js'></script>
<!-- endbuild -->
So this might be 2 questions. I don't see anything in the usemin documentation about this so I'm guessing there is some other tool, but I don't know what the name of that tool is.
The other possibility is I'm doing it wrong and rather than inject this mocking object, I should be doing it with the grunt server. What is everyone else doing?
type like in processhtml inindex.html
– Centrosome