Same idea as @GitGitBoom, but without having to define a type. You can use the solution described in the MUI Typescript Guide where you just cast your styled component to the typeof Typography
import React from "react";
import { styled } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography";
const MyTypography = styled(Typography)({
background: "linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",
border: 0,
borderRadius: 3,
boxShadow: "0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)",
color: "white",
height: 48,
padding: "0 30px"
}) as typeof Typography;
export default function StyledComponents() {
return (
<MyTypography component="span">
Styled with styled-components API