I read this, this and this, but I think my situation is different. I don't need to refresh Ads everytime I make an AJAX call.
I have a page call it "mypage.php". I load Adsense advertisement into first div, when page is opened. My second div is empty.
After DOM is fully loaded, i make an AJAX post. And put the result into "lower_content" div. Does this break Adsense TOS?
<div id="adSense_content>
<script> adsense script </script>
<div id="lower_content">
empty in start
My js file:
$(document).ready(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "/getit",
success: function(data) {
Note: Why I don't load second content when page is opening? Because AJAX call replies in 6-7 seconds. When server load is high, response comes even in 10-15 seconds. To not to make visitor wait with empty page, or even bounce from the page. I show layout to visitor in start, and load content when the response of AJAX call came.
edit: Putting an ad to an empty page is againts Adsense TOS. But the page that I mentioned is empty while loading the table data. After loading the full table with AJAX the page is loaded with content. But ad is put while loading the html page.