I have two classes - one which inherits from the other. I want to know how to cast to (or create a new variable of) the sub class. I have searched around a bit and mostly 'downcasting' like this seems to be frowned upon, and there are some slightly dodgy workarounds like setting instance.class - though this doesn't seem like a nice way to go.
eg. http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/python/python/871571 http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-list/311043/
sub question - is downcasting really that bad? If so why?
I have simplified code example below - basically i have some code that creates a Peak object after having done some analysis of x, y data. outside this code I know that the data is 'PSD' data power spectral density - so it has some extra attributes. How do i down cast from Peak, to Psd_Peak?
Two classes
import numpy as np
class Peak(object) :
Object for holding information about a peak
def __init__(self,
xlowerbound = None,
xupperbound = None,
xvalue= None,
yvalue= None
self.index = index # peak index is index of x and y value in psd_array
self.xlowerbound = xlowerbound
self.xupperbound = xupperbound
self.xvalue = xvalue
self.yvalue = yvalue
class Psd_Peak(Peak) :
Object for holding information about a peak in psd spectrum
Holds a few other values over and above the Peak object.
def __init__(self,
xlowerbound = None,
xupperbound = None,
xvalue= None,
yvalue= None,
depth = None,
ampest = None
super(Psd_Peak, self).__init__(index,
self.depth = depth
self.ampest = ampest
self.depthresidual = None
self.depthrsquared = None
def peakfind(xdata,ydata) :
Does some stuff.... returns a peak.
return Peak(1,
# Find a peak in the data.
p = peakfind(np.random.rand(10),np.random.rand(10))
# Actually the data i used was PSD -
# so I want to add some more values tot he object
p_psd = ????????????
Thanks for the contributions.... I'm afraid I was feeling rather downcast(geddit?) since the answers thus far seem to suggest I spend time hard coding converters from one class type to another. I have come up with a more automatic way of doing this - basically looping through the attributes of the class and transfering them one to another. how does this smell to people - is it a reasonable thing to do - or does it spell trouble ahead?
def downcast_convert(ancestor, descendent):
automatic downcast conversion.....
(NOTE - not type-safe -
if ancestor isn't a super class of descendent, it may well break)
for name, value in vars(ancestor).iteritems():
#print "setting descendent", name, ": ", value, "ancestor", name
setattr(descendent, name, value)
return descendent
return aPsd_Peak
? – Baldridge