I think this is a simple question, but I just still can't seem to think of a simple solution. I have a set of data of molecular abundances, with values ranging many orders of magnitude. I want to represent these abundances with boxplots
(box-and-whiskers plots
), and I want the boxes to be calculated on log scale because of the wide range of values.
I know I can just calculate the log10 of the data and send it to matplotlib's boxplot
, but this does not retain the logarithmic scale in plots later.
So my question is basically this: When I have calculated a boxplot based on the log10 of my values, how do I convert the plot afterward to be shown on a logarithmic scale instead of linear with the log10 values? I can change tick labels to partly fix this, but I have no clue how I get logarithmic scales back to the plot.
Or is there another more direct way to plotting this. A different package maybe that has this options already included?
Many thanks for the help.
) and set the y-scale to be logarithmic? – Orsolabp = ax.boxplot(np.log10(abunds))
. This command calculate the box values and creates the plot. I will need to change things in the plot, not the values, right? – Counterspybp = ax.boxplot(abunds); ax.set_yscale('log')
. That will give you a log-scale, and thus the y-ticks properly correspond to your values. – Orsolaax.set_yscale('log')
– Counterspyabunds
values should not be. Are you sure you did exactly what @Evert suggested? – Inheritableax.boxplot(np.log10(abunds))
. However, I don't think it will in this case calculate the box plots based on a logarithmic scale. There is too much spread in the plots and causing a lot of outliers – Counterspy