I know that Gregorian calendar started on Oct 15th 1582, and during the transition from Julian calendar, 10 days had been dropped.
When I'm doing this query:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE('1582-10-05', '%Y-%m-%d')
I'm getting this result:
1582-10-15 (the 10 days difference).
But when I'm trying to match between such dates I'm getting the original date (Oct 5th and not 15th).
For example:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE('1582-10-05', '%Y-%m-%d') = STR_TO_DATE('1582-10-15', '%Y-%m-%d')
I'm getting a false response, although you would have expected to get a true since Oct 5th actually count as Oct 15th, as we saw in the first example.
Anyone can explain what's going on here?
SELECT TO_DAYS('1582-10-15') - TO_DAYS('1582-10-04');
gives me 11; should be 1? – Sienkiewicz