I'm using the new Wi-Fi Direct API from google on Android 4.0 and in Sample code they send the User to Settings, to activate WiFi -Direct Mode.
Is there a way to Start it by code???
all they offer is to listen to WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION intent, and then use this code
String action = intent.getAction();
if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
// UI update to indicate wifi p2p status.
int state = intent.getIntExtra(WifiP2pManager.EXTRA_WIFI_STATE, -1);
if (state == WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED) {
// Wifi Direct mode is enabled
} else {
// Wifi Direct mode is disabled