The questions is a bit older, but I post my answer anyway as it might help someone else as well.
I´ve written an article on how create a mock sftp server using Testcontainers and the atmoz/sftp Docker image, which is adaptable to your other requirements as well.
The full example can be seen here
You would define your TestContainer with SFTP like that
private static final GenericContainer sftp = new GenericContainer(
new ImageFromDockerfile()
.withDockerfileFromBuilder(builder ->
.run("mkdir -p /home/" + USER + "/upload; chmod -R 007 /home/" + USER)
//.withFileSystemBind(sftpHomeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "/home/" + USER + REMOTE_PATH, BindMode.READ_WRITE) //uncomment to mount host directory - not required / recommended
.withCommand(USER + ":" + PASSWORD + ":1001:::upload");
When you need an FTPS server or any other protocoll, you can pick another image like this for example and adapt the container configuration.
As for the Local File System, I´m not sure if there is anything special required. With JUnit 5 you can easily create a temporary directory like so
File mockFileSystemDirectory;
And you can create a util class that rewrites your paths to that directory like so:
public static File convertToFakeFileSystem(File yourFile, File fakeFileSystem) {
return new File(fakeFileSystem.getAbsolutePath() + yourFile
.replaceAll("C://", "/"));