I want to use a QtQuick Image object in a simple Qt project, and include the image in the project. I have added the image to the resource file. I have used debugging to be sure that the resource exists and is compiled into the application as "Resources/myfile.png"
However if I declare a QtQuick image object and set the source to "Resource/myfile.png" the image is not found. Instead I get a message:
QML Image: Cannot open: file:///C:/Users/me/Documents/QtCreator/build-myapp-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug/qml/myapp/Resources/dial_bg.png
The same occurs if I try to use the C++ approach to accessing the file
source: ":/Resources/dial_bg.png"
This gets me an error at compile time.
myfile.png has not been copied to that location. myfile.png doesn't appear in the project files, although it has been added to the resources file.
I'll be happy with a solution that either gets the image copied to the place where the Image wants to pick it up, or a way for Image to access the 'compiled in' version.