The functionality that I need is to show a list of Facebook friends to the user on the website page with custom design, where the user can select some of them and send invites.
In API v2.0 it's possible to get a list of friends this way:
FB.api('/me/taggable_friends', function (response) {
But it doesn't return real users' ID that I need for invites with the next function call:
method: 'apprequests',
message: invite_text,
to: 'user_id_1, user_id_2'
}, function (response) {
How can I get these real IDs? Or how to resolve this functionality in another way? Because all the answers that I found were connected with games that don't fit me.
I need a full list of friends. Not just that already use my website (analog of the invitable_friends
in-game section).