I can't solve this for almost four hours, and i can't find any helpful documentation for this kind of problems. This is the issue, I'm using pug/jade templates and i want to call function inside pug template to transform some data This is the main template:
/** main template */
each pet in pets
img(src= pet.photo)
h2= pet.name
span.species= (pet.species)
p Age: #{calculateAge(pet.birthYear)} //here I need to call calculateAge function
if pet.favFoods
h4.headline-bar Favorite Foods
each favFood in pet.favFoods
li!= favFood
/** end main template **/
This is the external function:
/** calculateAge.js **/
module.exports = function(birthYear) {
var age = new Date().getFullYear() - birthYear;
if (age > 0) {
return age + " years old";
} else {
return "Less than a year old";
/** end calculateAge.js **/
What shell I do to make this happen?