I want to use LinqKit's PredicateBuilder and pass the predicate into .Any
method for related model.
So I want to build a predicate:
var castCondition = PredicateBuilder.New<CastInfo>(true);
if (movies != null && movies.Length > 0)
castCondition = castCondition.And(c => movies.Contains(c.MovieId));
if (roleType > 0)
castCondition = castCondition.And(c => c.RoleId == roleType);
And then use it to filter model that has relation to model in predicate:
IQueryable<Name> result = _context.Name.AsExpandable().Where(n => n.CastInfo.Any(castCondition));
return await result.OrderBy(n => n.Name1).Take(25).ToListAsync();
But this causes a System.NotSupportedException: Could not parse expression 'n.CastInfo.Any(Convert(__castCondition_0, Func``2))': The given arguments did not match the expected arguments: Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression'.
I saw similar question and answer there suggests to use .Compile
. Or one more question that build an extra predicate.
So I tried to use extra predicate
var tp = PredicateBuilder.New<Name>(true);
tp = tp.And(n => n.CastInfo.Any(castCondition.Compile()));
IQueryable<Name> result = _context.Name.AsExpandable().Where(tp);
Or use compile directly
IQueryable<Name> result = _context.Name.AsExpandable().Where(n => n.CastInfo.Any(castCondition.Compile()));
But I have an error about Compile: System.NotSupportedException: Could not parse expression 'n.CastInfo.Any(__Compile_0)'
So is it possible to convert the result from PredicateBuilder to pass into Any
Note: I was able to build the desired behavior combining expressions, but I don't like that I need extra variables.
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<CastInfo,bool>> castExpression = (c => true);
if (movies != null && movies.Length > 0)
castExpression = (c => movies.Contains(c.MovieId));
if (roleType > 0)
var existingExpression = castExpression;
castExpression = c => existingExpression.Invoke(c) && c.RoleId == roleType;
IQueryable<Name> result = _context.Name.AsExpandable().Where(n => n.CastInfo.Any(castExpression.Compile()));
return await result.OrderBy(n => n.Name1).Take(25).ToListAsync();
So I assume I just miss something about builder.
Update about versions: I use dotnet core 2.0 and LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 1.1.10
The LINQ expression 'where __castCondition_0.Invoke([c])' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally.
So while it compiles and runs, the condition is not added to SQL and query selects all rows. Do you have any suggestion? – Undecagon