I need to check when a certain LazyColumn
item comes into view, and once it does, make a callback to onItemWithKeyViewed()
only once to notify that this item has been viewed.
My attempt:
fun SpecialList(
someItems: List<Things>,
onItemWithKeyViewed: () -> Unit
) {
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
if (lazyListState.isScrollInProgress) {
val isItemWithKeyInView = lazyListState.layoutInfo
.any { it.key == "specialKey" }
if (isItemWithKeyInView) {
state = lazyListState
) {
items(items = someItems) { itemData ->
item(key = "specialKey") {
Issue with my method is I notice the list scrolling performance degrades badly and loses frames. I realize this may be because it's checking all visible item keys on every frame?
Also, onItemWithKeyViewed()
is currently being called multiple times instead of just the first time it's viewed.
Is there a more efficient way to make a single callback to onItemWithKeyViewed()
only the first time "specialKey"
item is viewed?