I am fairly new to Laravel and had a question regarding the remember me function.
I have successfully enabled the "remember me" function by attaching a second argument to the Auth::attempt method like so.
if (Auth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password), true))
// The user is being remembered...
As noted in the documentation, this enables remember me indefinitely or until an user manually logs out.
I essentially want to set an expire date on the "remember me" function.
Looking at the console, I can see that enabling "remember me" generates a remember_{HASH} cookie.
What would be the best way to overwrite the expire date specified in this cookie to let say a week in the future? The cookie currently sets the date in the past, which makes it last forever.
Keep in mind that I had to set 'lifetime' => 0 in sessions.php so that I can trigger the remember me function based on user preference so changing this into a week would not work in my case.
method to store the cookie and the expiration time is hard Coded into it.. So to set the expiration time you have to lay hands on the Laravel core. – Criticism