Using Powershell you can deploy to either to Standard On-premise SQL Instances or to Azure SQL Instance. The connection string and other properties will be fed from the PublishProfile
$PublishPath = "Path for the log"
$dacpac = "dbname.dacpac"
$publishProfile = "dbname.xml" # Publish profile xml for Publishing the database project
# Generate Deploy Report
$DeployReport = ".\sqlpackage.exe /Action:DeployReport /Sourcefile:$dacpac `
/pr:'$publishProfile' /outputpath:$PublishPath"
Invoke-Expression $DeployReport
# Generate Script Report
$GenerateScript = ".\sqlpackage.exe /Action:Script /Sourcefile:$dacpac `
/pr:'$publishProfile' /outputpath:$PublishPath"
Invoke-Expression $GenerateScript
# Database Publish
$publish = ".\sqlpackage.exe /Action:Publish /Sourcefile:$dacpac `
Invoke-Expression $publish | Out-File $PublishPath