I can add a new library to the above suggested libraries, named jwskate
, as initials of "JSON Web Signing, Keys, Algorithms, Tokens, and Encryption". Disclaimer: I am the author of that lib. I wrote it because I was not satisfied with the APIs from the previous libs which are not Pythonic enough for my tastes.
Here is an usage example to encode/decode a JWE, in this particular case using ECDH-ES+A256KW
and A128CBC-HS256
, but obviously you can use any supported key management and encryption algorithm:
from jwskate import JweCompact, Jwk
plaintext = b"this is an example plaintext"
# I'll use this specific Elliptic Curve private key:
key = Jwk(
{'kid': '8-nLgBsa-vXI_geoGt061_ZiVZ8BB-hYBDSoOQj9QgI',
'alg': 'ECDH-ES+A256KW',
'crv': 'P-256',
'd': '39QMopTVL1u267FOx4ayvsueDU317vHaq_z-PU_NioA',
'kty': 'EC',
'x': 'f_VRZlIk1Qd2eNGFVas9sNXx9wd43L8VymknAyP5Ntk',
'y': 'NmsfCs5VVOk6FEE31aaN9jB8rlfz1MWolBC3af_8DGs'}
# alternatively, you can generate one like this:
random_key = Jwk.generate_for_alg("ECDH-ES+A256KW").with_kid_thumbprint()
# sign your JWE
jwe = JweCompact.encrypt(plaintext, jwk=key.public_jwk(), enc="A128CBC-HS256")
# it will look like:
# eyJlcGsiOnsia3R5IjoiRUMiLCJjcnYiOiJQLTI1NiIsIngiOiItVnNfYkdSNTdUUVY4MHNnUENwcWZhVjNmWXR4dWdTWmJRM1FLeTJEVDdNIiwieSI6IjBtc0pZSUFfMC1OY2lfM0plOWZLSml3RU1ZdGRBaE9kZDZhdkp5THd0dzQifSwiYWxnIjoiRUNESC1FUytBMjU2S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiOC1uTGdCc2EtdlhJX2dlb0d0MDYxX1ppVlo4QkItaFlCRFNvT1FqOVFnSSJ9.nnOEhmdonA19LRvyKSrL7f8aEb2vVwE7EU-zO91fyTUls4otMVppYg.h8h7Mxz4irvckPnknsnM0g.sRQJJq-RmiF7GeqvL8EpWTstS-daLbfgGnOPybWeOj8.z3heCfTiI0cjw8GaV0qcHw
# as recipient, you can decrypt your JWE like this:
jwe = JweCompact("""eyJlcGsiOnsia3R5IjoiRUMiLCJjcnYiOiJQLTI1NiIsIngiOiJkSllwMHNTZUVhMnhiMkc4M2Jnam
assert jwe.decrypt(key) == plaintext