Apparently this is not possible in a cross-platform way.
So hopefully this will spare you a couple of hours of experimentation.
This is a gyp file which builds the addon for Mac and Windows.
//This example assumes you have an external library 'thelibrary', located in
//With the two flavors, debug and release in lib/debug and lib/release
"targets": [
"target_name": "addon",
"sources": [
"include_dirs": [
"cflags!": [
"cflags_cc!": [
"conditions": [
"defines": [
"architecture": "i386",
"xcode_settings": {
"link_settings": {
"libraries": [
"IOBluetooth" //this is how you use a framework on OSX
"configurations": {
"Debug": {
"xcode_settings": {
"Release": {
"xcode_settings": {
"link_settings": {
"libraries": [
"configurations": {
"Debug": {
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"ExceptionHandling": "0",
"AdditionalOptions": [
"/MP /EHsc"
"VCLibrarianTool": {
"AdditionalOptions": [
"VCLinkerTool": {
"LinkTimeCodeGeneration": 1,
"LinkIncremental": 1,
"AdditionalLibraryDirectories": [
"Release": {
"msvs_settings": {
"VCCLCompilerTool": {
"RuntimeLibrary": 0,
"Optimization": 3,
"FavorSizeOrSpeed": 1,
"InlineFunctionExpansion": 2,
"WholeProgramOptimization": "true",
"OmitFramePointers": "true",
"EnableFunctionLevelLinking": "true",
"EnableIntrinsicFunctions": "true",
"RuntimeTypeInfo": "false",
"ExceptionHandling": "0",
"AdditionalOptions": [
"/MP /EHsc"
"VCLibrarianTool": {
"AdditionalOptions": [
"VCLinkerTool": {
"LinkTimeCodeGeneration": 1,
"OptimizeReferences": 2,
"EnableCOMDATFolding": 2,
"LinkIncremental": 1,
"AdditionalLibraryDirectories": [