I'm currently writing a script to convert a bunch of XML files from various encodings to a unified UTF-8.
I first try determining the encoding using LXML:
def get_source_encoding(self):
tree = etree.parse(self.inputfile)
encoding = tree.docinfo.encoding
return (encoding or '').lower()
If that's blank, I try getting it from chardet
def guess_source_encoding(self):
chunk = self.inputfile.read(1024 * 10)
return chardet.detect(chunk).lower()
I then use codecs
to convert the encoding of the file:
def convert_encoding(self, source_encoding, input_filename, output_filename):
chunk_size = 16 * 1024
with codecs.open(input_filename, "rb", source_encoding) as source:
with codecs.open(output_filename, "wb", "utf-8") as destination:
while True:
chunk = source.read(chunk_size)
if not chunk:
Finally, I'm attempting to rewrite the XML header. If the XML header was originally
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1255"?>
I'd like to transform it to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
My current code doesn't seem to work:
def edit_header(self, input_filename):
output_filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".xml")
with open(input_filename, "rb") as source:
parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding="UTF-8")
tree = etree.parse(source, parser)
with open(output_filename, "wb") as destination:
tree.write(destination, encoding="UTF-8")
The file I'm currently testing has a header that doesn't specify the encoding. How can I make it output the header properly with the encoding specified?