Seems like a simple one, but I have a large command line help string and would like to break it up so it's easier to read/maintain.
How can I do this in NSIS? The normal
"xxx" \
style method of doing this doesn't seem to work.
Example code I want to neaten up:
MessageBox MB_OK "Unattended Silent Installs:$\r$\n/S$\t$\t=$\tSilent install using install.ini (if present)$\r$\n/W=1$\t$\t=$\t\Writes out all user settings to install.ini$\r$\n/WRITESETTINGS=1$\t$\t=$\tWrites out all user settings to install.ini (longer form)$\r$\n/?$\t$\t=$\tThis help page.$\r$\n$\r$\n"