To set some context, I'm in the process of learning Clojure, and Lisp development more generally. On my path to Lisp, I'm currently working through the "Little" series in an effort to solidify a foundation in functional programming and recursive-based solution solving. In "The Little Schemer," I've worked through many of the exercises, however, I'm struggling a bit to convert some of them to Clojure. More specifically, I'm struggling to convert them to use "recur" so as to enable TCO. For example, here is a Clojure-based implementation to the "occurs*" function (from Little Schemer) which counts the number of occurrences of an atom appearing within a list of S-expressions:
(defn atom? [l]
(not (list? l)))
(defn occurs [a lst]
(empty? lst) 0
(atom? (first lst))
(= a (first lst)) (inc (occurs a (rest lst)))
true (occurs a (rest lst)))
true (+ (occurs a (first lst))
(occurs a (rest lst)))))
Basically, (occurs 'abc '(abc (def abc) (abc (abc def) (def (((((abc)))))))))
will evaluate to 5. The obvious problem is that this definition consumes stack frames and will blow the stack if given a list of S-expressions too deep.
Now, I understand the option of refactoring recursive functions to use an accumulator parameter to enable putting the recursive call into the tail position (to allow for TCO), but I'm struggling if this option is even applicable to situations such as this one.
Here's how far I get if I try to refactor this using "recur" along with using an accumulator parameter:
(defn recur-occurs [a lst]
(letfn [(myoccurs [a lst count]
(empty? lst) 0
(atom? (first lst))
(= a (first lst)) (recur a (rest lst) (inc count))
true (recur a (rest lst) count))
true (+ (recur a (first lst) count)
(recur a (rest lst) count))))]
(myoccurs a lst 0)))
So, I feel like I'm almost there, but not quite. The obvious problem is my "else" clause in which the head of the list is not an atom. Conceptually, I want to sum the result of recurring over the first element in the list with the result of recurring over the rest of the list. I'm struggling in my head on how to refactor this such that the recurs can be moved to the tail position.
Are there additional techniques to the "accumulator" pattern to achieving getting your recursive calls put into the tail position that I should be applying here, or, is the issue simply more "fundamental" and that there isn't a clean Clojure-based solution due to the JVM's lack of TCO? If the latter, generally speaking, what should be the general pattern for Clojure programs to use that need to recur over a list of S-expressions? For what it's worth, I've seen the multi method w/lazy-seq technique used (page 151 of Halloway's "Programming Clojure" for reference) to "Replace Recursion with Laziness" - but I'm not sure how to apply that pattern to this example in which I'm not attempting to build a list, but to compute a single integer value.
Thank you in advance for any guidance on this.