After an extensive search I found it this way:
Go to this file vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate.php
Go to the method: protected function authenticate($request, array $guards)
and right after the method has started, paste the following code:
if(auth()->check() && !empty( auth()->user()->db_name )){
$dynamic_db_name = auth()->user()->db_name;
$config = \Config::get('database.connections.mysql');
$config['database'] = $dynamic_db_name;
$config['password'] = "Your DB Password";
config()->set('database.connections.mysql', $config);
first we are checking if the user is logged in with
Then as you may have added db_name name or the like column table to your users table according to each user. So in the next condition, I am making sure that the db_name is available:
&& !empty( auth()->user()->db_name )
Then after execution enters the if condition I get the db_name from the user record and set the configuration according to the user database, save the config and use purge method of DB class to persist this setting.
I was really stuck with it. I did not wanted to change my db connection in every class. So this is how I got it. Now I can use both Eloquent and DB without any tension anywhere. In my application I have one centeral database for login of all users and then for each organization there is a different database. So after the user has logged in, I do not need the centeral database (login database), I juse need the user/organization specific database. So this is how I got it to work.