YES!....always style textarea using CSS and avoid the attributes, unless you need to support some very old agent that does not support style sheets. Otherwise, you have full power to use CSS. Below is my default CSS formatting for textarea that looks beautiful in any website. Customize it as you like. Comments are included below so you can see why I chose those CSS properties and values:
textarea {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
padding: .2em;
width: auto;
min-width: 30em;
/* The max-width "100%" value fixes a weird issue where width is too wide by default and extends beyond 100% of the parent in some agents. */
max-width: 100%;
/* Height "auto" will allow the text area to expand vertically in size with a horizontal scrollbar if pre-existing content is added to the box before rendering. Remove this if you want a pre-set height. Use "em" to match the font size set in the website. */
height: auto;
/* Use "em" to define the height based on the text size set in your website and the text rows in the box, not a static pixel value. */
min-height: 10em;
/* Do not use "border" in textareas unless you want to remove the 3D box most browsers assign and flatten the box design. */
/*border: 1px solid black;*/
cursor: text;
/* Some textareas have a light gray background by default anyway. */
background-color: #eee;
/* Overflow "auto" allows the box to start with no scrollbars but add them as content fills the box. */
overflow: auto;
/* Resize creates a tab in the lower right corner of textarea for most modern browsers and allows users to resize the box manually. Note: Resize isn't supported by most older agents and IE. */
resize: both;
<textarea>This is an example of what the text area will look like when the CSS from this SO answer is applied.
The textarea will recognize line breaks too.</textarea>
In my "reset" element style sheet I set these values as defaults for "textarea" by default, which give all your textareas a nice look and feel with scrolling when detected, a resizing tab (non-IE browsers), and fixes for dimensions, including a height that allows the box to size itself based on existing content you put in it for the user and a width that does not break out beyond its parent containers limitations.