OK so I have read a whole bunch of articles suggesting table-value functions and cross apply give better performance than a scalar udf. I wanted to write my function in both ways and then test to see which one is better - but I cannot figure out what I'm supposed to use/look for to understand which is the better option.
I'm using SQL Server 2005. I've tried running the estimated execution plan, the actual execution plan and analyze query in database engine tuning advisor and I don't know what it is trying to tell me.
Using showplan_all on /off it looks like the table based function will use more cpu 1.157e-06 vs 8.3e-05 but the table function has a total subtree cost of 0.000830157 vs 0.01983356.
The query cost of the table valued function also seems to have a higher cost than the scalar one. Even though I thought it was supposed to be the better option.
So whilst I'd like to prove it myself which one gives the better performance - I'm just not sure what to look for in these tools - so any suggestions would be appreciated!
I need to get an academic year value (based on a date range set in the database) based on a calendar date so the function contents are below - so its just whether I go scalar or table based. This year feeds into other queries..
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@StartDate DateTime
@AcademicYear TABLE
AcademicYear int
DECLARE @YearOffset int, @AcademicStartDate DateTime
-- Lookup Academic Year Starting Date
SELECT @AcademicStartDate = CONVERT(DateTime,[Value])
FROM dbo.SystemSetting
WHERE [Key] = 'AcademicYear.StartDate'
SET @YearOffset = DATEPART(YYYY,@StartDate) - DATEPART(YYYY,@AcademicStartDate);
-- try setting academic looking start date to year of the date passed in
SET @AcademicStartDate = DATEADD(YYYY, @YearOffset, @AcademicStartDate);
IF @StartDate < @AcademicStartDate
SET @AcademicStartDate = DATEADD(YYYY, @YearOffset-1, @AcademicStartDate);
INSERT @AcademicYear
SELECT YEAR(@AcademicStartDate)
is more readable than, say,Year
? – Olimpia