I've solved 45 problems from 4clojure.com and I noticed a recurring problem in the way I try to solve some problems using recursion and accumulators.
I'll try to explain the best I can what I'm doing to end up with fugly solutions hoping that some Clojurers would "get" what I'm not getting.
For example, problem 34 asks to write a function (without using range) taking two integers as arguments and creates a range (without using range). Simply put you do (... 1 7) and you get (1 2 3 4 5 6).
Now this question is not about solving this particular problem.
What if I want to solve this using recursion and an accumulator?
My thought process goes like this:
I need to write a function taking two arguments, I start with (fn [x y] )
I'll need to recurse and I'll need to keep track of a list, I'll use an accumulator, so I write a 2nd function inside the first one taking an additional argument:
(fn [x y]
((fn g [x y acc] ...) x y '())
(apparently I can't properly format that Clojure code on SO!?)
Here I'm already not sure I'm doing it correctly: the first function must take exactly two integer arguments (not my call) and I'm not sure: if I want to use an accumulator, can I use an accumulator without creating a nested function?
Then I want to conj, but I cannot do:
(conj 0 1)
so I do weird things to make sure I've got a sequence first and I end up with this:
[x y]
((fn g [x y acc] (if (= x y) y (conj (conj acc (g (inc x) y acc)) x)))
But then this produce this:
(1 (2 (3 4)))
Instead of this:
(1 2 3 4)
So I end up doing an additional flatten and it works but it is totally ugly.
I'm beginning to understand a few things and I'm even starting, in some cases, to "think" in a more clojuresque way but I've got a problem writing the solution.
For example here I decided:
- to use an accumulator
- to recurse by incrementing x until it reaches y
But I end up with the monstrosity above.
There are a lot of way to solve this problem and, once again, it's not what I'm after.
What I'm after is how, after I decided to cons/conj, use an accumulator, and recurse, I can end up with this (not written by me):
#(loop [i %1
acc nil]
(if (<= %2 i)
(reverse acc)
(recur (inc i) (cons i acc))))
Instead of this:
[x y]
[x y acc]
(if (= x y) acc (conj (conj acc (g (inc x) y acc)) x)))
I take it's a start to be able to solve a few problems but I'm a bit disappointed by the ugly solutions I tend to produce...