Let's say I'm writing some code for video analysis. Here is a simplified version of a Video class:
public class Video
public readonly int Width;
public readonly int Height;
public readonly List<int[,]> Frames;
public Video(int width, int height, IEnumerable<int[,]> frames)
Width = width;
Height = height;
Frames = new List<int[,]>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
if (frame.GetLength(0) != height || frame.GetLength(1) != width)
throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect frames dimensions");
How do I make an Arbitrary<Video>
and register it? How do I make a shrinker for that Arbitrary?
Tried this, couldn't understand how apply works:
public static Arbitrary<Video> Videos()
var videoGen = Arb.Generate<PositiveInt>()
.SelectMany(w => Arb.Generate<PositiveInt>(), (w, h) => new {w, h})
.Apply( /* what is Gen<Func<a,b>> */);
return videoGen.ToArbitrary();
Tried this, but couldn't plug the generator for list in here:
public static Arbitrary<Video> Videos()
var videoGen = Arb.Generate<PositiveInt>()
.SelectMany(w => Arb.Generate<PositiveInt>(), (w, h) => new Video(w, h, /* how to plug generator here? */));
return videoGen.ToArbitrary();