I'm going to add a little twist to what's been said. Gradle introduced the concept of a plugins block as a technique to speed up and optimize the build process. Here's what Gradle's documentation says:
This way of adding plugins to a project is much more than a more convenient syntax. The plugins DSL is processed in a way which allows Gradle to determine the plugins in use very early and very quickly. This allows Gradle to do smart things such as:
Optimize the loading and reuse of plugin classes.
Provide editors detailed information about the potential properties and values in the buildscript for editing assistance.
This requires that plugins be specified in a way that Gradle can easily and quickly extract, before executing the rest of the build script. It also requires that the definition of plugins to use be somewhat static.
It's not just a newer way of dealing with plugins, it's a way of improving the build process and/or user's editing experience.
In order for it to work, it needs to be specified at the top of the build, but it also needs to be specified after the buildscript block if one is included. Why is that? Because the code in the build scripts is evaluated in the order its written. The buildscript block must be evaluated before the plugins block is evaluated. Remember, the buildscript block is about setting up of the plugin environment. Hence the rule that the plugins block must be specified after the buildscript block.
The new plugins block not only specifies the plugins that the project is using, but it also specifies whether the plugin is applied. By default, all plugins in the plugins block are automatically applied, unless it is specifically declared not to be applied (i.e., adding "apply false" after the plugin declaration in the plugins block).
So why would you declare a plugin and not apply it. There are two main reasons that I can think of:
1.) so you can declare the version of the plugin you want used. After you've declared a plugin, the plugin is now on the "classpath". Once a plugin is on the classpath you no longer need to specify the version of the plugin when you apply it later. In multiproject builds, that makes supporting buildscripts a little easier. (i.e., you only have one place where the plugin version is specified.)
2.) Sometimes, you may have a plugin, that requires certain things defined before they are applied. In that case, you can declare a plugin in the plugins block, and defer the plugin from being applied until after you define the things that the plugin requires as input. For example, I have a custom plugin that looks for a configuration named "mavenResource". In the dependencies block I'll added a dependency like: "mavenResource(maven_coordinate)". That plugin will find all the dependencies contained in the mavenResource configuration and copy the associated maven artifact to the projects "src/main/resources" directory. As you can see, I don't want to apply that plugin until after the mavenResource configuration is added to that project, and the mavenResource dependencies are defined. Hence, I define my custom plugin the plugins block, and I apply it after the project dependencies have been defined. So, the concept that applying a plugin is old style and wrong is a misconception.
Some of you might wonder what it means to apply a plugin. It's pretty straightforward. It means that you call the plugin's apply function passing it the Gradle Project object for the project where the plugin is being applied. What the plugin does from there on is totally at the discretion of the plugin. Most commonly, the apply function usually creates some Gradle tasks and adds them to the Gradle build task dependency graph. When Gradle starts its execution phase, those tasks will get executed at the appropriate time in the build process. The plugin apply function can also do things like deferring some of it work until afterEvaluate. That's a way to allow other things in the build script to be setup even though they are defined later on in the buildscript. So, you might ask why I didn't do that trick in my custom plugin. What I've observed is that the next subproject starts processing after the root project finishes being evaluated. In my case, I needed the resource added before the next subproject began. So, there was a race condition, that I avoided by not doing the afterEvaluate technique and specifically applying the plugin once the things I needed setup was completed.
plugins {}
you don't use package, but rather fully qualified plugin id. Check for details in Gradle documentation docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/… – Crosson