I need to extract the list of all repos under all projects in Bitbucket. Is there a REST API for the same? I couldn't find one.
I have both on-premise and cloud Bitbucket.
I need to extract the list of all repos under all projects in Bitbucket. Is there a REST API for the same? I couldn't find one.
I have both on-premise and cloud Bitbucket.
For Bitbucket Cloud
You can use their REST API to access and perform queries on your server.
Specifically, you can use this documentation page, provided by Atlassian, to learn how to list you're repositories.
For Bitbucket Server
Edit: As of receiving this tweet from Dan Bennett, I've learnt there is an API/plugin system for Bitbucket Server that could possibly cater for your needs. For docs: See here.
Edit2: Found this reference to listing personal repositories that may serve as a solution.
AFAIK there isn't a solution for you unless you built a little API for yourself that interacted with your Bitbucket Server instance.
Atlassian Documentation does indicate that to list all currently configured repositories you can do git remote -v
. However I'm dubious of this as this isn't normally how git remote -v
is used; I think it's more likely that Atlassian's documentation is being unclear rather than Atlassian building in this functionality to Bitbucket Server.
Clone ALL Projects & Repositories for a given stash url
# @author Jason LeMonier
# Clone ALL Projects & Repositories for a given stash url
# Loop through all projects: [P1, P2, ...]
# P1 > for each project make a directory with the key "P1"
# Then clone every repository inside of directory P1
# Backup a directory, create P2, ...
# Added ACTION_FLAG bit so the same logic can run fetch --all on every repository and/or clone.
import sys
import os
import stashy
ACTION_FLAG = 1 # Bit: +1=Clone, +2=fetch --all
url = os.environ["STASH_URL"] # "https://mystash.com/stash"
user = os.environ["STASH_USER"] # joedoe"
pwd = os.environ["STASH_PWD"] # Yay123
stash = stashy.connect(url, user, pwd)
def mkdir(xdir):
if not os.path.exists(xdir):
def run_cmd(cmd):
print ("Directory cwd: %s "%(os.getcwd() ))
print ("Running Command: \n %s " %(cmd))
start_dir = os.getcwd()
for project in stash.projects:
pk = project_key = project["key"]
for repo in stash.projects[project_key].repos.list():
for url in repo["links"]["clone"]:
href = url["href"]
repo_dir = href.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
if (url["name"] == "http"):
print (" url.href: %s"% href) # https://[email protected]/stash/scm/app/ae.git
print ("Directory cwd: %s Project: %s"%(os.getcwd(), pk))
if ACTION_FLAG & 1 > 0:
if not os.path.exists(repo_dir):
run_cmd("git clone %s" % url["href"])
print ("Directory: %s/%s exists already. Skipping clone. "%(os.getcwd(), repo_dir))
if ACTION_FLAG & 2 > 0:
# chdir into directory "ae" based on url of this repo, fetch, chdir back
cur_dir = os.getcwd()
run_cmd("git fetch --all ")
os.chdir(start_dir) # avoiding ".." in case of incorrect git directories
For all projects:
curl -u "[email protected]" -X GET https://<my_server_domain>/rest/api/1.0/projects/?limit=1000
For all repos in a given project:
Pick the project you want to get repos from. In my case, the project URL is: <your_server_domain>/projects/TECH/ and therefore my {projectKey} is 'TECH', which you'll need for the command below.
Open a CLI and use this command (remember to fill in your server domain and projectKey!):
curl -u "[email protected]" -X GET https://<my_server_domain>/rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos?limit=50
Final touches
curl -u $BBUSER -X GET <my_server_domain>/rest/api/1.0/projects/TECH/repos?limit=50 | jq '.values|.[]|.name'
(tested with Data Center/Atlassian Bitbucket v7.9.0 and powershell CLI)
For Bitbucket Cloud
You can use their REST API to access and perform queries on your server.
Specifically, you can use this documentation page, provided by Atlassian, to learn how to list you're repositories.
For Bitbucket Server
Edit: As of receiving this tweet from Dan Bennett, I've learnt there is an API/plugin system for Bitbucket Server that could possibly cater for your needs. For docs: See here.
Edit2: Found this reference to listing personal repositories that may serve as a solution.
AFAIK there isn't a solution for you unless you built a little API for yourself that interacted with your Bitbucket Server instance.
Atlassian Documentation does indicate that to list all currently configured repositories you can do git remote -v
. However I'm dubious of this as this isn't normally how git remote -v
is used; I think it's more likely that Atlassian's documentation is being unclear rather than Atlassian building in this functionality to Bitbucket Server.
I ended up having to do this myself with an on-prem install of Bitbucket which didn't seem to have the REST APIs discussed above accessible, so I came up with a short script to scrape it out of the web page. This workaround has the advantage that there's nothing you need to install, and you don't need to worry about dependencies, certs or logins other than just logging into your Bitbucket server. You can also set this up as a bookmark if you urlencode the script and prefix it with javascript:
To use this:
or ctrl-shift-i
.JSON.stringify(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-repository-id]')).map(aTag => {
const href = aTag.getAttribute('href');
let projName = href.match(/\/projects\/(.+)\/repos/)[1].toLowerCase();
let repoName = href.match(/\/repos\/(.+)\/browse/)[1];
repoName = repoName.replace(' ', '-');
const templ = `https://${location.host}/scm/${projName}/${repoName}.git`;
return {
name: aTag.innerText,
clone: templ
The result is a JSON string containing an array with the repo's URL, name, and clone URL.
"href": "/projects/FOO/repos/some-repo-here/browse",
"name": "some-repo-here",
"clone": "https://mybitbucket.company.com/scm/foo/some-repo-here.git"
This ruby script isn't the greatest code, which makes sense, because I'm not the greatest coder. But it is clear, tested, and it works.
The script filters the output of a Bitbucket API call to create a complete report of all repos on a Bitbucket server. Report is arranged by project, and includes totals and subtotals, a link to each repo, and whether the repos are public or personal. I could have simplified it for general use, but it's pretty useful as it is.
There are no command line arguments. Just run it.
# @author Bill Cernansky
# List and count all repos on a Bitbucket server, arranged by project, to STDOUT.
require 'json'
bbserver = 'http(s)://server.domain.com'
bbuser = 'username'
bbpassword = 'password'
bbmaxrepos = 2000 # Increase if you have more than 2000 repos
reposRaw = JSON.parse(`curl -s -u '#{bbuser}':'#{bbpassword}' -X GET #{bbserver}/rest/api/1.0/repos?limit=#{bbmaxrepos}`)
projects = {}
repoCount = reposRaw['values'].count
reposRaw['values'].each do |r|
projID = r['project']['key']
if projects[projID].nil?
projects[projID] = {}
projects[projID]['name'] = r['project']['name']
projects[projID]['repos'] = {}
repoName = r['name']
projects[projID]['repos'][repoName] = r['links']['clone'][0]['href']
privateProjCount = projects.keys.grep(/^\~/).count
publicProjCount = projects.keys.count - privateProjCount
reportText = ''
privateRepoCount = 0
projects.keys.sort.each do |p|
# Personal project slugs always start with tilde
isPrivate = p[0] == '~'
projRepoCount = projects[p]['repos'].keys.count
privateRepoCount += projRepoCount if isPrivate
reportText += "\nProject: #{p} : #{projects[p]['name']}\n #{projRepoCount} #{isPrivate ? 'PERSONAL' : 'Public'} repositories\n"
projects[p]['repos'].keys.each do |r|
reportText += sprintf(" %-30s : %s\n", r, projects[p]['repos'][r])
puts sprintf(" Total Projects: %5d Public: %5d Personal: %5d", projects.keys.count, publicProjCount, privateProjCount)
puts sprintf(" Total Repos: %5d Public: %5d Personal: %5d", repoCount, repoCount - privateRepoCount, privateRepoCount)
puts reportText
The way I solved this issue, was get the html page and give it a ridiculous limit like this. thats in python :
cmd = "curl -s -k --user " + username + " https://URL/projects/<KEY_PROJECT_NAME>/?limit\=10000"
then I parsed it with BeautifulSoup
make_list = str((subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)).rstrip().decode("utf-8"))
html = make_list
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
list1 = []
for a in parsed_html.find_all("a", href=re.compile("/<projects>/<KEY_PROJECT_NAME>/repos/")):
to use this make sure you change and , this should be the bitbucket project you are targeting. All , I am doing is parsing an html file.
Here's how I pulled the list of repos from Bitbucket Cloud.
Setup OAauth Consumer
Go to your workspace settings and setup an OAuth consumer, you should be able to go here directly using this link: https://bitbucket.org/{your_workspace}/workspace/settings/api
The only setting that matters is the callback URL which can be anything but I chose http://localhost
Once setup, this will display a key and secret pair for your OAuth consumer, I will refer to these as {oauth_key}
and {oauth_secret}
Authenticate with the API
Go to https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize?client_id={oauth_key}&response_type=code
ensuring you replace {oauth_key}
This will redirect you to something like http://localhost/?code=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
, make a note of that code, I'll refer to that as {oauth_code}
In your terminal go to curl -X POST -u "{oauth_key}:{oauth_secret}" https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code={oauth_code}
replacing the placeholders.
This should return json including the access_token, I’ll refer to that access token as {oauth_token}
Get the list of repos
You can now run the following to get the list of repos. Bear in mind that your {oauth_token}
lasts 2hrs by default.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/pageant?page=1' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {oauth_token}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
This response is paginated so you'll need to page through the responses, 10 repositories at a time.
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