Can somebody clarify how SubModule works in azure devops
MyDevOps Root Folder
I have a Solution called MyCore.sln containing 4-5 projects
I have my Main Solution called MyMain.sln containing another 4-5 projects project referencing MyCore.sln projects
It all compiles and works locally but fails when building in azure devops
Gone into MyMain.sln folder in powershell and executed as follows
executed as follows git submodule add https://[email protected]/MyGroup/MyProjec/_git/MyCore
- I can now see a folder inside my Main Repo called MyCore with projects inside and I start reference them
I can see .gitmodules file
However when I go and build the pipeline it cannot find the projects that are referenced (belonging to myCore repo)
Am I missing the obvious?
Are there any comprehensive instructions on how to setup submodules in azure devops?
Can I visualize this anywhere?