I am using the Navigation Component of Android Jetpack (2.2.0-alpha01).
I wish to use a child NavHostFragment nested inside my main NavHostFragment, equipped with its own child nav graph. Please view the following image for context:
The child nav host is defined like this inside the fragment that is at the front of the MainNavHost's stack:
app:navGraph="@navigation/child_graph" />
Inside the fragment that is at the front of the CHILD Nav Host Fragment, I am trying to get a ViewModel scoped to the R.navigation.child_graph by using the following code:
private val childGraphScopedViewModel: ChildGraphScopedViewModel by navGraphViewModels(R.navigation.child_graph) {
When accessing the childGraphScopedViewModel, I am getting a crash with the error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No NavGraph with ID 2131689472 is on the NavController's back stack.
I believe the lazy init call by navGraphViewModel()
is looking for the navgraph inside the mainGraph.
How can I access a child navHostFragment scoped ViewModel? Thank you for your time.