EPPLus does not currently support disabling that green tag. However, it is possible to modify the project in order to suppress it. First you will need to add a new class to the project, ExcelIgnoredError.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace OfficeOpenXml
public class ExcelIgnoredError : XmlHelper
private ExcelWorksheet _worksheet;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
internal ExcelIgnoredError(XmlNamespaceManager ns, XmlNode node, ExcelWorksheet xlWorkSheet) :
base(ns, node)
_worksheet = xlWorkSheet;
public bool NumberStoredAsText
return GetXmlNodeBool("@numberStoredAsText");
SetXmlNodeBool("@numberStoredAsText", value);
public bool TwoDigitTextYear
return GetXmlNodeBool("@twoDigitTextYear");
SetXmlNodeBool("@twoDigitTextYear", value);
public string Range
return GetXmlNodeString("@sqref");
SetXmlNodeString("@sqref", value);
Next you will need to modify ExcelWorkSheet.cs, adding this code:
public ExcelIgnoredError _ignoredError;
public ExcelIgnoredError IgnoredError
if (_ignoredError == null)
// Check that ignoredErrors exists
XmlNode node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:ignoredErrors", NameSpaceManager);
if (node == null)
//Check that ignoredError exists
node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:ignoredErrors/d:ignoredError", NameSpaceManager);
if (node == null)
node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:ignoredErrors/d:ignoredError", NameSpaceManager);
_ignoredError = new ExcelIgnoredError(NameSpaceManager, node, this);
return (_ignoredError);
Compile the EPPPlus solution, include it in your project and you will be able to remove the tags using code similar to this:
//Get a reference to the worksheet
ExcelWorkSheet sheet = package.WorkBook.WorkSheets(0);
//Set the cell range to ignore errors on to the whole sheet
sheet.IgnoredError.Range = Sheet.Dimension.Address;
//Do not display the warning 'number stored as text'
sheet.IgnoredError.NumberStoredAsText = true;