I just tested it in Chrome and it worked fine. (Which browser are you using?)
It might be that your upload is just taking so long that you don't see an update immediately.
First things first: you shouldn't change properties in the .js
file itself. This way you wont be able to upgrade to a newer version of Dropzone without headaches. So configure your dropzone the way it's recommended on the website.
About the upload,... it's really hard to tell what might be wrong without a look at it. What I suggest, is that you add some kind of debugging information on the status updates, to see if it's really just your upload being very slow.
Try this code and see if it doesn't solve your problem:
<form id="my-dropzone" action="/target" class="dropzone"></form>
Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
maxFilesize: 500,
init: function() {
this.on("uploadprogress", function(file, progress) {
console.log("File progress", progress);
If you can see the console output in regular intervals then the upload is working fine but just takes a while to finish.
– Paisley