First Store IDs in temporary table
as below
create table #Table_Name(storeID INT, col_name1 varchar(50), col_name2 varchar(50))
insert into #Table_Name values
(1001, 'Test1', 'Test2'),
(5000, 'Rest1', 'Rest2'),
(1122, 'Best1', 'Best2')
Then you can join with the table from where you want to fetch the record as below,
this method is far better than going through the loop
if your requirement is not more complicated
in real
select t.col_name1,
INTO #new_table
from #Table_Name t
inner join #tmp_ids ti on = t.storeID
It will return that two records which is matched with IDs
and inserted into the
select * from #new_table
col_name1 col_name2
Test1 Test2
Rest1 Rest2
Note: you can use `table variable` as well