How to retry after exception?
Asked Answered



I have a loop starting with for i in range(0, 100). Normally it runs correctly, but sometimes it fails due to network conditions. Currently I have it set so that on failure, it will continue in the except clause (continue on to the next number for i).

Is it possible for me to reassign the same number to i and run through the failed iteration of the loop again?

Encephalitis answered 18/1, 2010 at 5:0 Comment(3)
You can use range(100) without the first parameter. If you use Python 2.x you could even use xrange(100), this generates an iterator and uses less memory. (Not that it matters with only 100 objects.)Hexamerous
This question may be helpful: is there a pythonic way to try something up to a maximum number of times?Fennec
You can use Python retrying package. Retrying It is written in Python to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything.Bandurria

Do a while True inside your for loop, put your try code inside, and break from that while loop only when your code succeeds.

for i in range(0,100):
    while True:
            # do stuff
        except SomeSpecificException:
Mandrel answered 18/1, 2010 at 5:2 Comment(12)
continue does not use the same element of the iterable; instead it continues to the next.Sergei
@zneak:"I was wondering whether it is possible for me to reassign the same number to i and run through that the failed iteration of loop again."Sergei
@Ignacio, huh? continue retries the while loop, of course, not the for (!), so i is not "the next" anything -- it's exactly the same as it was on a previous (failed) leg of the same while, of course.Refugiorefulgence
As xorsyst notes, it's advisable to put a retry limit on there. Otherwise you could get stuck looping for quite some time.Doeskin
This is an excellent example:…Skellum
I would definitely leave out the while True: line, otherwise the break wil continue the outer loop to exhaustion.Mosera
I would suggest to remove the for-loop from the shown example or use it instead of the while True. In my opinion, it has no beneficial value. It might confuse readers (as demonstrated in the comments above).Ditter
This isn't quite right. In successful cases, the for loop continues till exhaustion. We want to break out of for loop too for successful case.Crayton
@Sankalp, it seems to me that this answer is proper for the question text.Mandrel
I think that the a pure for loop is sufficient, as also described here:
Though the answer is correct for the question asked, most will be confused by the first for loop and then the infinite while. If retrying a failed attempt x number of times is what you are looking for, a single for for else loop is probably what you want.Spacial
What an awful syntaxDaffy

I prefer to limit the number of retries, so that if there's a problem with that specific item you will eventually continue onto the next one, thus:

for i in range(100):
  for attempt in range(10):
      # do thing
      # perhaps reconnect, etc.
    # we failed all the attempts - deal with the consequences.
Gonsalves answered 5/10, 2011 at 15:3 Comment(12)
What are the consequences of the second else as relates to flow control? Under which circumstances is the "we failed..." part of the code executed?Inexistent
@g33kz0r the for-else construct in Python executes the else clause if the for loop doesn't break. So, in this case, that section executes if we try all 10 attempts and always get an exception.Gonsalves
Don't you need a break at the end of the try: part? With the additional break in try:, if the process completes successfully the loop will break, if it doesn't complete successfully it will go straight to the exception part. Does that make sense? If I don't put a break at the end of try: it just does the thing 100 times.Cottony
Tristan: You do want it to do the thing 100 times - a few more times (retries) if some of them fail. The comment in the code should perhaps say something like # do thing with each i. The outer loop is what you're really trying to do (iterate an action) and the inner loop is for retrying any failures that happen among those 100 actions.Aram
@Cottony - the else clause of the try does this "if successful, then break" that you are looking for.Denitrify
I also prefer a for-loop for retrying. A wrinkle in this code is that, if you want to re-raise the exception when you give up trying, you need something like "if attempt=9: raise" inside the except clause, and remember to use 9 and not 10.Denitrify
Good point @PaulMcGuire. As an alternative you could have a local variable last_exception that you assign in the attempt loop, and then just raise that if it's not None in the outer else.Gonsalves
@Denitrify Isn't that what the final else clause is for? If you put # do thing in that clause, an unhandled exception should be raised (unless the action suceeds).Aldus
@Gonsalves how to actually reconnect with the except part? Say if you try to connect to a URL in the try part but failed due to some usual errors, in most cases these are transient errors and may be fixed easily with retry, you want to reconnect with the URL in the except part, provided that all the URLs in the outer loop are actually accessible. This may be very easy to fix but I'm really new to python and data scraping, would you kindly help me out of this?Brannen
@JasonGoal that sounds like a more-specific question, and I'm not really sure what you're asking. I suggest raising a new stack-overflow question with some example code.Gonsalves
What's the best way, in the "deal with the consequences" clause, to re-raise the most recent exception for the caller to deal with? does it work to simply rebind the exception in the except clause, then raise from rebound_exception or something like that?Geisha
Or actually, the try docs say that a lot of context is lost outside the except clause, so maybe I should just do if i == 0: raise e in the except clause?Geisha

UPDATE 2021-12-01:

As of June 2016, the retrying package is no longer being maintained. Consider using the active fork, or alternatively

The retrying package is a nice way to retry a block of code on failure.

For example:

@retry(wait_random_min=1000, wait_random_max=2000)
def wait_random_1_to_2_s():
    print("Randomly wait 1 to 2 seconds between retries")
Overdone answered 18/9, 2014 at 12:29 Comment(4)
More generally, pypi has multiple packages for retry decorators:…Behalf
is there anyway you can print the number of the retry attempt every time it fails?Seaquake
As I understood is not maintained, more active fork is and maybe can be used too.Vulgate
The retrying package is alive again since 2022-09-03 with a new maintainer.Idel

Here is a solution similar to others, but it will raise the exception if it doesn't succeed in the prescribed number or retries.

tries = 3
for i in range(tries):
    except KeyError as e:
        if i < tries - 1: # i is zero indexed
Baribaric answered 19/1, 2016 at 20:1 Comment(2)
Nice answer, but the variable name retries is misleading. It should much rather be tries.Skiver
Very good solution thank you. It could be improved by adding a delay between each try. Very useful when dealing with APIs.Agitate

Alternatives to retrying: tenacity and backoff (2020 update)

The retrying library was previously the way to go, but sadly it has some bugs and it hasn't got any updates since 2016. Other alternatives seem to be backoff and tenacity. During the time of writing this, the tenacity had more GItHub stars (2.3k vs 1.2k) and was updated more recently, hence I chose to use it. Here is an example:

from functools import partial
import random # producing random errors for this example

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_delay, wait_fixed, retry_if_exception_type

# Custom error type for this example
class CommunicationError(Exception):

# Define shorthand decorator for the used settings.
retry_on_communication_error = partial(
    stop=stop_after_delay(10),  # max. 10 seconds wait.
    wait=wait_fixed(0.4),  # wait 400ms 

def do_something_unreliable(i):
    if random.randint(1, 5) == 3:
        print('Run#', i, 'Error occured. Retrying.')
        raise CommunicationError()

for i in range(100):

The above code outputs something like:

Run# 3 Error occured. Retrying.
Run# 5 Error occured. Retrying.
Run# 6 Error occured. Retrying.
Run# 6 Error occured. Retrying.
Run# 10 Error occured. Retrying.

More settings for the tenacity.retry are listed on the tenacity GitHub page.

Thundering answered 1/6, 2020 at 12:40 Comment(4)
Great answer! I spent hours trying to figure out the decorator, partial stuff.... Could you make your retry_on_communication_error a function that can accept parameters? something like def retry_on_communication_error(para1, para2)?Sutherlan
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but (1) If you want to pass more parameters to the function that is to be retried, just add more parameters to the function definition. In this example, there is do_something_unreliable(i), but you could have do_something_unreliable(i, j, k) if you wish. (2) If you want to pass some other parameters for the tenacity.retry, just add them to the partial.Thundering
This answer was super helpful. @np8 what do I do differently if I want to use retry_on_communication_error in a few different files?Fiction
You can define it in one module, like above, and then import it as any other functionThundering

The more "functional" approach without using those ugly while loops:

def tryAgain(retries=0):
    if retries > 10: return
        # Do stuff

Meandrous answered 28/10, 2010 at 20:46 Comment(6)
I'm sorry, but it seems much uglier than the "ugly while loops" variants; and I am fond of functional programming...Sethrida
You need to make sure you don't recurse deeply though - the default stack size in Python is 1000Paraglider
If this is going to be 'functional', the recursion should be: except: tryAgain(retries+1)Frazzle
The problem with this is that we need to pass error around as variables.Airs
Also there is a 1000 limit for recursionTefillin
Who want to retry more than 1000 times? This way is better than the accepted answer because it adds retries to avoid dead loop, but can be improved by add an increasing delay time to avoid flood server.Latoya

The clearest way would be to explicitly set i. For example:

i = 0
while i < 100:
    i += 1
        # do stuff

    except MyException:
Bolden answered 18/1, 2010 at 5:13 Comment(6)
Is that C or C++? I can't tell.Hexamerous
@Georg That's Python, as stated in the question. Or where you being sarcastic for some reason?Cismontane
This doesn't do what the OP asked for. It might if you put i += 1 just after # do stuff.Dioecious
Not pythonic. Should use range for this kind of stuff.Hymettus
I agree, this should definitely use range.Manicdepressive
There should be a break after # do stuffRuthieruthless
for _ in range(5):
        # replace this with something that may fail
        raise ValueError("foo")

    # replace Exception with a more specific exception
    except Exception as e:
        err = e

    # no exception, continue remainder of code

# did not break the for loop, therefore all attempts
# raised an exception
    raise err

My version is similar to several of the above, but doesn't use a separate while loop, and re-raises the latest exception if all retries fail. Could explicitly set err = None at the top, but not strictly necessary as it should only execute the final else block if there was an error and therefore err is set.

Headway answered 5/2, 2019 at 15:50 Comment(2)
I think this is the best looking pattern here out of all. However, for someone not coming from python it is really strange that "err" escapes the scope of the for block.Lamentation
Yeah, it might look better with an explicit err = None at the top in some ways, but as I noted I don't think it's actually ever used. As a matter of fact, one could then omit the else and use a golang-esque if err or if err is not None in case err could somehow have a falsely value.Headway

A generic solution with a timeout:

import time

def onerror_retry(exception, callback, timeout=2, timedelta=.1):
    end_time = time.time() + timeout
    while True:
            yield callback()
        except exception:
            if time.time() > end_time:
            elif timedelta > 0:


for retry in onerror_retry(SomeSpecificException, do_stuff):
Superphosphate answered 4/12, 2014 at 17:26 Comment(4)
Is it possible to specify a separate function for error checking? It would take the output of the callback and pass to the error checking function to decide if it was a failure or success instead of using a simple except exception:Noncontributory
Instead of a try … except you can use a if statement. But it is less pythonic.Superphosphate
This solution does not work. The exception thrown by do_stuff does not bubble to the generator. Why would it, anyway? do_stuff is called in the body of the for loop, which is on an outer level on its own, not nested in the generator.Tupiguarani
Your right, but for a different reason: the callback function is never called. I have forgotten the parenthesis, replace by callback().Superphosphate

There is something similar in the Python Decorator Library.

Please bear in mind that it does not test for exceptions, but the return value. It retries until the decorated function returns True.

A slightly modified version should do the trick.

Alcantar answered 15/6, 2011 at 7:58 Comment(1)
Here's how to modify it for exceptions

Using while and a counter:

count = 1
while count <= 3:  # try 3 times
        # do_the_logic()
    except SomeSpecificException as e:
        # If trying 3rd time and still error?? 
        # Just throw the error- we don't have anything to hide :)
        if count == 3:
        count += 1
Lysol answered 31/8, 2016 at 11:57 Comment(0)

Using recursion

for i in range(100):
    def do():
            ## Network related scripts
        except SpecificException as ex:
    do() ## invoke do() whenever required inside this loop
Gadoid answered 31/8, 2016 at 12:6 Comment(3)
Exit condition? Or does this run 100 * infinity?Newspaperman
Nice and simple - no other packages needed - thanksLionhearted
break if no exception are not presentWhimsical

attempts = 3
while attempts:
     <status ok>
    attempts -=1
else: # executed only break was not  raised
   <status failed>
Detraction answered 21/4, 2020 at 8:59 Comment(0)

Decorator is a good approach.

from functools import wraps
import time

class retry:
    def __init__(self, success=lambda r:True, times=3, delay=1, raiseexception=True, echo=True):
        self.success = success
        self.times = times
        self.raiseexception = raiseexception
        self.echo = echo
        self.delay = delay
    def retry(fun, *args, success=lambda r:True, times=3, delay=1, raiseexception=True, echo=True, **kwargs):
        ex = Exception(f"{fun} failed.")
        r = None
        for i in range(times):
            if i > 0:
                r = fun(*args, **kwargs)
                s = success(r)
            except Exception as e:
                s = False
                ex = e
                # raise e
            if not s:
            return r
            if echo:
                print(f"{fun} failed.", "args:", args, kwargs, "\nresult: %s"%r)
            if raiseexception:
                raise ex
    def __call__(self, fun):
        def wraper(*args, retry=0, **kwargs):
            retry = retry if retry>0 else self.times
            return self.__class__.retry(fun, *args, 
                                        raiseexception = self.raiseexception,
                                        echo = self.echo,
        return wraper

some usage examples:

@retry(success=lambda x:x>3, times=4, delay=0.1)
def rf1(x=[]):
    return len(x)
> rf1()

[1, 1]
[1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1]

@retry(success=lambda x:x>3, times=4, delay=0.1)
def rf2(l=[], v=1):
    assert len(l)>4
    return len(l)
> rf2(v=2, retry=10) #overwite times=4

[2, 2]
[2, 2, 2]
[2, 2, 2, 2]
[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

> retry.retry(lambda a,b:a+b, 1, 2, times=2)

> retry.retry(lambda a,b:a+b, 1, "2", times=2)

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
Mycah answered 23/4, 2021 at 8:30 Comment(0)

Here is a quick decorator to handle this. 7 lines, no dependencies.

def retry(exception=Exception, retries=3, delay=0):
    def wrap(func):
        for i in range(retries):
                return func()
            except exception as e:
                print(f'Retrying {func.__name__}: {i}/{retries}')
        raise e
    return wrap

def do_something():
@retry(HTTPError, retries=100, delay=3)
def download_something():

An addition that could be made is extending exception to handle multiple exceptions (splat a list).

Graminivorous answered 19/7, 2022 at 17:43 Comment(2)
Nice code, but I think the e is unbound here.Mowery
I don't understand how this answer is being voted up. The code doesn't run...Riobard

I use following in my codes,

   for i in range(0, 10):
        #things I need to do
    except ValueError:
        print("Try #{} failed with ValueError: Sleeping for 2 secs before next try:".format(i))
Paynter answered 21/11, 2018 at 7:19 Comment(0)

I use this, which can be used on any function:

def run_with_retry(func: callable, max_retries: int = 3, wait_seconds: int = 2, **func_params):
num_retries = 1
while True:
        return func(*func_params.values())
    except Exception as e:
        if num_retries > max_retries:
            print('we have reached maximum errors and raising the exception')
            raise e
            print("Retrying error:", e)
            num_retries += 1

Call like this:

    def add(val1, val2):
        return val1 + val2

    run_with_retry(func=add, param1=10, param2=20)
Response answered 13/10, 2021 at 13:58 Comment(0)

This is my answer, using a decorator approach, a decor function with parameters:

import time
def retry(retries=3, delay=0.5):
    def decor(func):
        def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            for i in range(retries):
                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as e:
                    print(f'Retrying {func.__name__}: {i}/{retries}')
                    if(i == retries-1):
                        raise e
        return wrap
    return decor

@retry(retries = 5, delay=0.5)
def divide(a,b):

When you call the divide function like divide(6,0), it will retry 5 times, then throw the 'division by zero' exception.

Retrying divide: 0/5
Retrying divide: 1/5
Retrying divide: 2/5
Retrying divide: 3/5
Retrying divide: 4/5
Traceback (most recent call last):

  Cell In[48], line 1

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
Unsung answered 22/7, 2023 at 2:29 Comment(0)

If you want a solution without nested loops and invoking break on success you could developer a quick wrap retriable for any iterable. Here's an example of a networking issue that I run into often - saved authentication expires. The use of it would read like this:

client = get_client()
smart_loop = retriable(list_of_values):

for value in smart_loop:
    except ClientAuthExpired:
        client = get_client()
    except NetworkTimeout:
Fourth answered 24/7, 2018 at 21:28 Comment(0)

Here is my take on this issue. The following retry function supports the following features:

  • Returns the value of the invoked function when it succeeds
  • Raises the exception of the invoked function if attempts exhausted
  • Limit for the number of attempts (0 for unlimited)
  • Wait (linear or exponential) between attempts
  • Retry only if the exception is an instance of a specific exception type.
  • Optional logging of attempts
import time

def retry(func, ex_type=Exception, limit=0, wait_ms=100, wait_increase_ratio=2, logger=None):
    attempt = 1
    while True:
            return func()
        except Exception as ex:
            if not isinstance(ex, ex_type):
                raise ex
            if 0 < limit <= attempt:
                if logger:
                    logger.warning("no more attempts")
                raise ex

            if logger:
                logger.error("failed execution attempt #%d", attempt, exc_info=ex)

            attempt += 1
            if logger:
      "waiting %d ms before attempt #%d", wait_ms, attempt)
            time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000)
            wait_ms *= wait_increase_ratio


def fail_randomly():
    y = random.randint(0, 10)
    if y < 10:
        y = 0
    return x / y

logger = logging.getLogger()
result = retry.retry(fail_randomly, ex_type=ZeroDivisionError, limit=20, logger=logger)"result is: %s", result)

See my post for more info.

Collaboration answered 25/5, 2020 at 15:45 Comment(0)

I like to use bool values for this, like so:

success = False
num_try = 0
while success is False:
    if num_try >= 10: # or any number
        # handle error how  you please
        # code
        success = True
    except Exception as e:
        # record or do something with exception if needed
        num_try += 1
Middlebreaker answered 5/7, 2021 at 5:18 Comment(0)

with this decorator, you can easily control errors

class catch:
    def __init__(self, max=1, callback=None):
        self.max = max 
        self.callback = callback 
    def set_max(self, max):
        self.max = max
    def handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.index = 0
        while self.index < self.max: 
            self.index += 1
                self.func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as error:
                if callable(self.callback):
                    self.callback(self, error, args, kwargs)
    def __call__(self, func):
        self.func = func
        return self.handler

import time
def callback(cls, error, args, kwargs):
    print('func args', args, 'func kwargs', kwargs)
    print('error', repr(error), 'trying', cls.index)
    if cls.index == 2:
@catch(max=2, callback=callback)  
def test(cls, ok, **kwargs):
    raise ValueError('ok')

test(1, message='hello')
Belda answered 26/9, 2021 at 12:39 Comment(0)

If retrying a failed attempt x number of times is what you are looking for, a single for else loop is probably what you want. Consider this example with 3 attempts:

attempts = 3

for attempt in range(1, attempts+1):
        if attempt < 4:
            raise TypeError(f"Error raised on attempt: {attempt}")
            print(f'Attempt {attempt} finally worked.')
    except (TypeError) as error:
        print(f'Attempt {attempt} hit the exception.')
    print(f'Exit after final attempt: {attempt}')

print(f'\nGo on to execute other code ...')

Gives the output:

Attempt 1 hit the exception.
Attempt 2 hit the exception.
Attempt 3 hit the exception.
Exit after final attempt: 3

Go on to execute other code ...

And with one more attempt it succeeds:

attempts = 4

Gives the output:

Attempt 1 hit the exception.
Attempt 2 hit the exception.
Attempt 3 hit the exception.
Attempt 4 finally worked.

Go on to execute other code ...
Spacial answered 16/2, 2022 at 16:41 Comment(0)

You could have a dedicated function using return to short circuit the result. For example like this:

def my_function_with_retries(..., max_retries=100):
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
            return my_function(...)
        except SomeSpecificException as error:
            logging.warning(f"Retrying after failed execution: {error}")

    raise SomeOtherException()
Osrick answered 28/6, 2022 at 15:16 Comment(1)
clear and concise solution!Brad

I liked laurent-laporte's answer. Here's my version of it wrapped in a class with static methods and some examples. I implemented a retry count as another way to retry. Also added kwargs.

from typing import List
import time

class Retry:
    def onerror_retry(exception, callback, retries: int = 0, timeout: float = 0, timedelta: float = 0,
                      errors: List = None, **kwargs):

        @param exception: The exception to trigger retry handling with.
        @param callback: The function that will potentially fail with an exception
        @param retries: Optional total number of retries, regardless of timing if this threshold is met, the call will
                        raise the exception.
        @param timeout: Optional total amount of time to do retries after which the call will raise an exception
        @param timedelta: Optional amount of time to sleep in between calls
        @param errors: A list to receive all the exceptions that were caught.
        @param kwargs: An optional key value parameters to pass to the function to retry.
        for retry in Retry.__onerror_retry(exception, callback, retries, timeout, timedelta, errors, **kwargs):
            if retry: retry(**kwargs)  # retry will be None when all retries fail.

    def __onerror_retry(exception, callback, retries: int = 0, timeout: float = 0, timedelta: float = 0,
                        errors: List = None, **kwargs):
        end_time = time.time() + timeout
        continues = 0
        while True:
                yield callback(**kwargs)
            except exception as ex:
                if errors:

                continues += 1
                if 0 < retries < continues:
                    print('ran out of retries')

                if timeout > 0 and time.time() > end_time:
                    print('ran out of time')
                elif timedelta > 0:

err = 0

# sample dumb fail function
def fail_many_times(**kwargs):
    global err
    err += 1
    max_errors = kwargs.pop('max_errors', '') or 1
    if err < max_errors:
        raise ValueError("I made boo boo.")
    print("Successfully did something.")

# Example calls
    # retries with a parameter that overrides retries... just because
    Retry.onerror_retry(ValueError, fail_many_times, retries=5, max_errors=3)
    err = 0
    # retries that run out of time, with 1 second sleep between retries.
    Retry.onerror_retry(ValueError, fail_many_times, timeout=5, timedelta=1, max_errors=30)
except Exception as err:

Mezoff answered 19/10, 2022 at 0:46 Comment(0)

I wrote this one. Hopefully it's clear to understand and easy to use.

from functools import wraps
from random import randrange
from time import sleep

def retry(retry_limit=3, delay=None, max_random_delay=60):
    Retrying decorator with simple backoff logic.
    :param retry_limit: amount of retries before throwing exception
    :param delay: delay between attempts. If None, random delay each time
    :param max_random_delay: maximum random delay in seconds
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            retries = 0
            while retries < retry_limit:
                    print(f'trying to execute {func.__name__}: {retries + 1}/{retry_limit}')
                    return func(*args, **kwargs)

                except Exception as e:
                    retries += 1
                    if retries == retry_limit:
                        raise e

                    if delay is None:
                        sleep_time = randrange(max_random_delay)
                        print(f'sleep for {sleep_time} seconds')
                        print(f'sleep for {delay} seconds')
        return wrapper
    return decorator
Purgatorial answered 14/6, 2023 at 22:55 Comment(0)

Here's my idea on how to fix this:

j = 19
def calc(y):
    global j
        j = j + 8 - y
        x = int(y/j)   # this will eventually raise DIV/0 when j=0
        print("i = ", str(y), " j = ", str(j), " x = ", str(x))
        j = j + 1   # when the exception happens, increment "j" and retry
for i in range(50):
Hine answered 24/12, 2015 at 17:35 Comment(1)
This is way off base.Cheongsam

i recently worked with my python on a solution to this problem and i am happy to share it with stackoverflow visitors please give feedback if it is needed.

print("\nmonthly salary per day and year converter".title())
print('==' * 25)

def income_counter(day, salary, month):
    global result2, result, is_ready, result3
    result = salary / month
    result2 = result * day
    result3 = salary * 12
    is_ready = True
    return result, result2, result3, is_ready

i = 0
for i in range(5):
        month = int(input("\ntotal days of the current month: "))
        salary = int(input("total salary per month: "))
        day = int(input("Total Days to calculate> "))
        income_counter(day=day, salary=salary, month=month)
        if is_ready:
            print(f'Your Salary per one day is: {round(result)}')
            print(f'your income in {day} days will be: {round(result2)}')
            print(f'your total income in one year will be: {round(result3)}')
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        is_ready = False
        i += 1
        print("a month does'nt have 0 days, please try again")
        print(f'total chances left: {5 - i}')
    except ValueError:
        is_ready = False
        i += 1
        print("Invalid value, please type a number")
        print(f'total chances left: {5 - i}')
Heterophyllous answered 16/9, 2019 at 2:5 Comment(0)

increment your loop variable only when the try clause succeeds

Blancmange answered 18/1, 2010 at 9:34 Comment(0)

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