I could see the DBA team advises to set the sequence cache to a higher value at the time of performance optimization. To increase the value from 20 to 1000 or 5000.The oracle docs, says the the cache value,
Specify how many values of the sequence the database preallocates and keeps in memory for faster access.
Somewhere in the AWR report I can see,
select SEQ_MY_SEQU_EMP_ID.nextval from dual
Can any performance improvement be seen if I increase the cache value of SEQ_MY_SEQU_EMP_ID
My question is:
Is the sequence cache perform any significant role in performance? If so how to know what is the sufficient cache value required for a sequence.
is the bottleneck? – SmuttySQL ordered by Executions
of AWR report, seems 78.2% of CPU usage. – Maddeu