I have the following models
class Category extends Eloquent {
protected $table = "category";
protected $fillable = array('title','parent','metatit','metadsc','metake','metaurl','image');
public function categoryitems(){
return $this->hasMany('CategoryItem','catid');
public function parent(){
return $this->hasMany('category','parent');
public function child(){
return $this->belongsTo('Category','parent');
Need to set a 1 to many relationship in the category table Ex category "cities" is a child of category "countries"
the error happen when i try to use the following code
$parent = Category::where('id','=',$cat->id)->parent;
echo $parent->title;
The error :
ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN) Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::$parent (View: /var/www/phpWithAngulerJS/app/views/admin/category-edit.blade.php)