I use sprint boot 1.3, spring 4.2
In this class
public class PaymentServiceImpl implements PaymentService {
public void processPayment() {
List<Payment> payments = paymentRepository.findDuePayment();
I would like to call processPayment every x moment.
This x moment is set in a database. The user can modify it.
So i think i can't use anotation.
I started to this this
@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = {MyApp.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class})
public class MyApp {
private DefaultConfigService defaultConfigService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
public TaskScheduler poolScheduler() {
SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor taskScheduler = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();
DefaultConfigDto defaultConfigDto = defaultConfigService.getByFieldName("payment-cron-task");
String cronTabExpression = "0 0 4 * * ?";
if (defaultConfigDto != null && !defaultConfigDto.getFieldValue().isEmpty()) {
cronTabExpression = "0 0 4 * * ?";
taskScheduler.schedule(task, new CronTrigger(cronTabExpression));
return scheduler;
Maybe it's not the good way.
Any suggestion?
Don't know if to get my context if i need to create a property like
ConfigurableApplicationContext context;
and after in the main
public static void main(String[] args) {
context = SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);