I have a custom component that should hide content when I set a boolean property to false. Every other property gets reflected except that one. I must be doing something wrong.
static get properties(){
title: {
type: String,
attribute: 'title',
titleEnable: {
type: Boolean,
attribute: 'title-enable',
constructor() {
return html`
? html`
<p class="title" ?hidden="${!this.titleEnable}">${this.title}</p>
: html ``}
If I use that component like <my-component></my-component>
in an HTML file it shows: default as expected.
If I use it like this: <my-component title="New Title"></my-component>
it displays: New Title as expected.
BUT if I try to hide it <my-component title-enable="false"></my-component>
the boolean just doesn't change. I've tried !title-enable, title-enable='false", .titleEnable=false and all the variants you can imagine. What pisses me the most is that whenever I set in the constructor 'this.titleEnable=false' and I happen to just declare the variable WITHOUT value on the tag and it takes it as TRUE an "default" appears. <my-component title-enable></my-component>
I am completely lost.