I have an Akka application with actors written in Scala and others in Java. In one case a Scala Actor writes an Array[Byte]
and I need to deserialize this from a Java Actor. In this use-case I ultimately need a String representation in Java of the Array[Byte]
so that would also solve my problem.
Scala Actor:
val outputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
val bufferedOutputStream = new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(outputStream, 1024)
val exitCode : Integer = processBuilder #> bufferedOutputStream !
val content = outputStream.toByteArray // this gives an Array[Byte]
javaActorRef.tell(content, getSelf())
Java Actor:
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReceive(Object object) throws Exception {
// object has a Scala Array[Byte] how do I convert here to
// byte[] or to String?