How can I change what a method is doing in Java ?
I mean, I am trying to use annotations to make the following code
@Anno1(Argument = "Option1")
public class TestClass
public void test()
public class TestClass
private static StaticReference z;
public void test()
This is a very simplified example of what I am trying to do. Anno1
will have many possible combinations, but this is not my problem so far. My problem is how to add code to method test()
I am looking for a more generic solution if possible. Eg. A way to add every kind of code in the method (not just a way to .invokeToAll()
So far I am using import javax.annotation.processing.*;
and I have the following code, but I don't know how to go on from there
private void processMethodAnnotations(RoundEnvironment env)
for (Element e : env.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Anno2.class))
//If it is a valid annotation over a method
if (e.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD)
//What to do here :S
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING,"Not a method!", e);
I have found something about Java Reflection but I have not found any source to help me with what I am doing.
Obviously I extends AbstractProcessor
in my code
I have found this tutorial ( But this concerns creating a new class, not just changing a method. and the javax.lang.model.elements
do not provide any way of editing that element (which in my case represents a Method).
I hope my question is clear and inline with the rules. If not please comment and I will clarify. Thanks.
). Anyway I already gave you +1 and now an Accepted Answer for the effort and good answer. Thanks a lot! – Coronet