I'm sorry to ask this in here, but I tried serverfault and didn't get any answer for 4 days.
The related question there: https://serverfault.com/questions/394197/mount-shared-folder-vbox-as-another-user
I'm trying to mount my vbox shared folder every time my ubuntu (10.04) starts.
So, I added an entry on /etc/init with this:
description "mount vboxsf Desktop"
start on startup
exec mount -t vboxsf Desktop /var/www/shared
Seems to work, except by the fact that all the files are owned by "root", and I don't have permission to write on the folder (neither chmod nor chown seems to be working).
So, how can I make all the files under this shared folder to be owned by www-data user/group?
ps.: The main reason for me to have an automatic shared folder, is so I can create/edit files from the HOST on the GUEST www folder.
If you have a better idea for that, instead of sharing the folder, fell free to say.
is just the plain sharename i defined in my VirtualBox Settings, without the path/media/...
then it worked ;) – Westering