Are integer numbers generated with IFixture.Create<int>()
The Wiki says that numbers are random, but it also tells us this
The first numbers are generated within the range of [1, 255], as this is a set of values that are valid for all numeric data types. The smallest numeric data type in .NET is System.Byte, which fits in this range.
When the first 255 integers have been used, numbers are subsequently picked from the range [256, 32767], which corresponds to the remaining positive numbers available for System.Int16.
Two related things at GitHub:
And what about those unit tests?
[Theory, ClassData(typeof(CountTestCases))]
public void StronglyTypedEnumerationYieldsUniqueValues(int count)
// Fixture setup
var sut = new Generator<T>(new Fixture());
// Exercise system
var actual = sut.Take(count);
// Verify outcome
Assert.Equal(count, actual.Distinct().Count());
// Teardown
[Theory, ClassData(typeof(CountTestCases))]
public void WeaklyTypedEnumerationYieldsUniqueValues(int count)
// Fixture setup
IEnumerable sut = new Generator<T>(new Fixture());
// Exercise system
var actual = sut.OfType<T>().Take(count);
// Verify outcome
Assert.Equal(count, actual.Distinct().Count());
// Teardown
I have not found a statement that says the generated numbers are unique, only those bits of information that would suggest it, but I may be wrong.