I got odd results using @JakePearson accepted answer. It has to do with an edge case.
Here is the code I used to test his method. I changed the extension method ever so slightly, returning an int[]
and accepting double
instead of decimal
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
Random rand = new Random(1325165);
int maxValue = 100;
int numberOfBuckets = 100;
List<double> values = new List<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
double value = rand.NextDouble() * (maxValue+1);
int[] bins = values.Bucketize(numberOfBuckets);
PointPairList points = new PointPairList();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBuckets; i++)
points.Add(i, bins[i]);
zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.AddBar("Random Points", points,Color.Black);
zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Count";
zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Value";
public static class Extension
public static int[] Bucketize(this IEnumerable<double> source, int totalBuckets)
var min = source.Min();
var max = source.Max();
var buckets = new int[totalBuckets];
var bucketSize = (max - min) / totalBuckets;
foreach (var value in source)
int bucketIndex = 0;
if (bucketSize > 0.0)
bucketIndex = (int)((value - min) / bucketSize);
if (bucketIndex == totalBuckets)
return buckets;
Everything works well when using 10,000,000 random double values between 0 and 100 (exclusive). Each bucket has roughly the same number of values, which makes sense given that Random
returns a normal distribution.
But when I changed the value generation line from
double value = rand.NextDouble() * (maxValue+1);
double value = rand.Next(0, maxValue + 1);
and you get the following result, which double counts the last bucket.
It appears that when a value is same as one of the boundaries of a bucket, the code as it is written puts the value in the incorrect bucket. This artifact doesn't appear to happen with random double
values as the chance of a random number being equal to a boundary of a bucket is rare and wouldn't be obvious.
The way I corrected this is to define what side of the bucket boundary is inclusive vs. exclusive.
Think of
0< x <=1
1< x <=2
... 99< x <=100
0<= x <1
1<= x <2
... 99<= x <100
You cannot have both boundaries inclusive, as the method wouldn't know which bucket to put it in if you have a value that is exactly equal to a boundary.
public enum BucketizeDirectionEnum
public static int[] Bucketize(this IList<double> source, int totalBuckets, BucketizeDirectionEnum inclusivity = BucketizeDirectionEnum.UpperBoundInclusive)
var min = source.Min();
var max = source.Max();
var buckets = new int[totalBuckets];
var bucketSize = (max - min) / totalBuckets;
if (inclusivity == BucketizeDirectionEnum.LowerBoundInclusive)
foreach (var value in source)
int bucketIndex = (int)((value - min) / bucketSize);
if (bucketIndex == totalBuckets)
foreach (var value in source)
int bucketIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((value - min) / bucketSize) - 1;
if (bucketIndex < 0)
return buckets;
The only issue now is if the input dataset has a lot of min and max values, the binning method will exclude many of those values and the resulting graph will misrepresent the dataset.