Paraphrased from the wikipedia article on Mercator projection:
Given a "mapping sphere" of radius R,
the Mercator projection (x,y) of a given latitude and longitude is:
x = R * longitude
y = R * log( tan( (latitude + pi/2)/2 ) )
and the inverse mapping of a given map location (x,y) is:
longitude = x / R
latitude = 2 * atan(exp(y/R)) - pi/2
To get the 3D coordinates from the result of the inverse mapping:
Given longitude and latitude on a sphere of radius S,
the 3D coordinates P = (P.x, P.y, P.z) are:
P.x = S * cos(latitude) * cos(longitude)
P.y = S * cos(latitude) * sin(longitude)
P.z = S * sin(latitude)
(Note that the "map radius" and the "3D radius" will almost certainly have different values, so I have used different variable names.)
represent? Are they latitude/longitude, or coordinates on some flat rectangular projection of the sphere? In the last case, what projection are you using? – Drabbet