I have the following Lottie animation that plays only once, how can I make it play indefinitely?
val composition by rememberLottieComposition(LottieCompositionSpec.RawRes(R.raw.search_animation))
LottieAnimation(composition = composition)
I have the following Lottie animation that plays only once, how can I make it play indefinitely?
val composition by rememberLottieComposition(LottieCompositionSpec.RawRes(R.raw.search_animation))
LottieAnimation(composition = composition)
Update 2023-09-05
There is an overloaded version of the LottieAnimation
composable that merges the LottieAnimation
and animateLottieCompositionAsState
iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
Source: https://airbnb.io/lottie/#/android-compose?id=lottieanimation-overload
Old answer
You can tell Lottie to iterate an animation forever via the progress
val composition by rememberLottieComposition(LottieCompositionSpec.RawRes(R.raw.search_animation))
val progress by animateLottieCompositionAsState(composition = composition, iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever)
composition = composition,
progress = { progress },
Source: https://airbnb.io/lottie/#/android-compose?id=animatelottiecompositionasstate
just to aid those future wanderers that stumble upon this... These days it's changed to something more like this:
composition = composition,
iterations = LottieConstants.IterateForever,
you can just simply add app:lottie_loop="true"
at your xml for your LottieAnimationView.
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