I'm a newby in C#. I have to repeatedly refresh a GUI picture box in a worker thread. The image is acquired from a camera polling a driver with a GetImage method that retrives the image to be displayed. Even if I allocate the bitmap using directive "using" and explicitly call G.C, memory seems to be never deallocated.
The worker thread is something like this:
while (true)
// request image with IR signal values (array of UInt16)
image = axLVCam.GetImage(0);
lut = axLVCam.GetLUT(1);
DrawPicture(image, lut);
While the DrawPicture method is something like
public void DrawPicture(object image, object lut)
// We have an image - cast it to proper type
System.UInt16[,] im = image as System.UInt16[,];
float[] lutTempConversion = lut as float[];
int lngWidthIrImage = im.GetLength(0);
int lngHeightIrImage = im.GetLength(1);
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(lngWidthIrImage, lngHeightIrImage)) {
[...many operation on bitmap pixel...]
// Bitmap is ready - update image control
//SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(tempTxtBox, "Text", string.Format("{0:0.#}", lutTempConversion[im[160, 100]]));
//tempTxtBox.Text = string.Format("{0:00000}", im[160, 100]);
pic.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(bmp.GetHbitmap());
Problems arises with the
pic.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(bmp.GetHbitmap());
In fact commenting that line of code, garbage collection works as it would. Better, the problem seems to be with
Any advice to solve this memory leak?
Thanks a lot!