I'm using Select2 version 4.0.0 and trying to load a remote JSON from a PHP script that returns the already formated data that I need. The problem is that the forces of the darkness are making something, because I just can't send the request, there is no error, but there is no request sent, it just stays so quiet as a devil that I'm almost crying!
I'm using LiveScript and Jade as alternatives to JavaScript and HTML, but I'll translate'em here.
First, my markup defines the selectable field:
<select id="satan-hates-me"></select>
Then, I'm able to make it look like a selectable element:
placeholder: "Hail",
minimumInputLength: 1,
ajax: { // Here that bad things happen, I mean, don't happen
url: "http://localhost/os/backend/TestServiceOrder.php?req=getEquipments",
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
quietMillis: 50,
data: function(term) { return { term: term } },
results: function(data) { return data; }
I'm performing this wrapped in a load function, after page loading, it looks like a selectable, but sends no requests, and the script returns me exactly the required format, as example:
[{id: 1, text: "Sadness"}, {id: 2, text: "Depression"}]
And here goes. I can design compilers but I can't in the world make a plugin work with Ajax! Can somebody help me, please?
is nowprocessResults
in 4.0.0. And have you confirmed that no requests are sent within your developer tools, or is this based on logging withinresults
? – Clariceclarie