It is possible to host multiple communicating instances of WebApplicationFactory in single integration test.
Let's say we have master service named WebApplication
, which depends on utility service named WebService
using named HttpClient with name "WebService".
Here is example of integration test:
public async Task GetWeatherForecast_ShouldReturnSuccessResult()
// Create application factories for master and utility services and corresponding HTTP clients
var webApplicationFactory = new CustomWebApplicationFactory();
var webApplicationClient = webApplicationFactory.CreateClient();
var webServiceFactory = new WebApplicationFactory<Startup>();
var webServiceClient = webServiceFactory.CreateClient();
// Mock dependency on utility service by replacing named HTTP client
webApplicationFactory.AddHttpClient(clientName: "WebService", webServiceClient);
// Perform test request
var response = await webApplicationClient.GetAsync("weatherForecast");
// Assert the result
var forecast = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>>();
Assert.Equal(10, forecast.Count());
This code requires CustomWebApplicationFactory
class to be implemented:
// Extends WebApplicationFactory allowing to replace named HTTP clients
internal sealed class CustomWebApplicationFactory
: WebApplicationFactory<WebApplication.Startup>
// Contains replaced named HTTP clients
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, HttpClient> HttpClients { get; } =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, HttpClient>();
// Add replaced named HTTP client
public void AddHttpClient(string clientName, HttpClient client)
if (!HttpClients.TryAdd(clientName, client))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"HttpClient with name {clientName} is already added");
// Replaces implementation of standard IHttpClientFactory interface with
// custom one providing replaced HTTP clients from HttpClients dictionary
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
new CustomHttpClientFactory(HttpClients)));
And finally, CustomHttpClientFactory
class is required:
// Implements IHttpClientFactory by providing named HTTP clients
// directly from specified dictionary
internal class CustomHttpClientFactory : IHttpClientFactory
// Takes dictionary storing named HTTP clients in constructor
public CustomHttpClientFactory(
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, HttpClient> httpClients)
HttpClients = httpClients;
private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, HttpClient> HttpClients { get; }
// Provides named HTTP client from dictionary
public HttpClient CreateClient(string name) =>
?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"HTTP client is not found for client with name {name}");
The complete code of example you may find here:
The pros of such approach are:
- ability to test interactions between the services;
- no need to mock internals of services so that you can consider them as black boxes;
- tests are stable to any refactorings including changes in communication protocol;
- tests are fast, self-contained, do not require any prerequisites and give predictable results.
The main cons of such approach is possible conflicting dependencies of participating services (e.g. different major versions of EFCore) in real world scenarios due to the fact that all services using in test are running in single process.
There are several mitigations of such problem. One of them is to apply modular approach to services' implementations and load modules in runtime according to configuration file. This may allow to replace configuration file in tests, exclude several modules from loading and replace missing services with simpler mocks. The example of applying such approach you may find in branch "Modular" of the example repository above.