Laravel 5 provides translations using the @lang helper
<!-- file: template.blade.php -->
@lang('some text')
Laravel 5 also has the possibility to pluralize strings depending on a variable.
// file: controller.php
echo trans_choice('messages.apples', 10);
The translation file would then contain the following line to translate apples:
// file: /resources/lang/en
'apples' => 'There is one apple|There are many apples',
Now, I would like to use pluralization inside a blade template and I cannot find out how to use this. I tried the following:
<!-- file: template.blade.php -->
Course duration: {{ $course.days }} @lang('day|days', $course.days)
which feels to be the logical syntax to me, but this only give me an error about input argument 2 needing to be an array. I also tried this:
<!-- file: template.blade.php -->
Course duration: {{ $course.days }} @lang('day|days', [$course.days])
And this:
<!-- file: template.blade.php -->
Course duration: {{ $course.days }} @lang(['day|days', $course.days])