Is there way of copying the whole array into another array? Other than using a for-loop.
Does the move or copy command work for this? I did try but it had an error: "Incompatible types".
Should I stick to the for-loop?
Is there way of copying the whole array into another array? Other than using a for-loop.
Does the move or copy command work for this? I did try but it had an error: "Incompatible types".
Should I stick to the for-loop?
To be on the safe side, use the Copy
function on dynamic arrays, as it handles the managed types internally. The arrays must be of the same type, i.e. declared in the same expression:
a, b: array of string;
or by defining a custom array type:
TStringArray = array of string;
a: TStringArray;
//...and somewhere else
b: TStringArray;
then you can do:
a := Copy(b, Low(b), Length(b)); //really clean, but unnecessary
a := Copy(b, 0, MaxInt); //dynamic arrays always have zero low bound
//and Copy copies only "up to" Count items
You'll have to use a loop on static arrays and when mixing array types (not that I'd recommend doing it).
If you really have to use Move
, remember checking for zero-length, as the A[0]
constructs can raise range checking errors, (with the notable exception of SizeOf(A[0])
, which is handled by compiler magic and never actually executes).
Also never assume that A = A[0]
or SizeOf(A) = Length(A) * SizeOf(A[0])
, as this is true only for static arrays and it will bite you really badly if you later try to refactor huge codebase to dynamic arrays.
, it's even more convenient to omit the bounds entirely: a := Copy(b)
. That copies the entire array. –
Exequies Copy(Source)
trick with our Czech "MVP", as it seems he just discovered the possibility of omitting the last parameter (shame on me to accidentally visiting their blog). –
Solarium See article on
You can copy an array using Copy method (pass in 0 for the index and Length(Source) as count to copy the full contents).
Do NOT use Move or CopyMemory for arrays of string/array/interface/etc managed types. Doing so will bypass Delphi's ref-counting mechanics and will result in memory leaks and corrupted data.
For dynamic arrays:
var A,B: array of Byte;
SetLength(A, <size>);
//initialize A
B:= A;
In dynamic arrays, the assignment statement duplicates only the reference to the array, while SetLength does the job of physically copying/duplicating it, leaving two separate, independent dynamic arrays.
, Delete
, Copy
and Slice
, but AFAIR not AppendStr
yet) to also accept syn-array instead of string? The version is the answer i guess. I wonder though if this indirect effect of SetLength
is documented (is persistent contract) or merely some implementation detail? –
Cyanotype 1- If your array doesn't contain any string or dynamic array, you can use move, but dynamic arrays are not to be handled like fixed-sized arrays:
var A,B: array[0..10] of integer;
DA, DB: array of double;
i: integer;
for i := low(A) to high(A) do
A[i] := i;
move(A[0],B[0],length(A)*sizeof(A[0])); // first version, compiler does the stuff
move(A[0],B[0],sizeof(A)); // it works
move(A[0],B[0],40); // if you know what you're doing, since sizeof(A)=40
SetLength(DA,10); // DA[0]..DA[9]
for i := 0 to high(DA) do // or for i := 0 to 9 if you know what you're doing
DA[i] :=
if length(DA)<=length(DB) then // if your dynamic array may be void, use this before to avoid GPF
if pointer(DA)<>nil then // this will just check that DA[] is not void
move(pointer(DA)^,pointer(DB)^,length(DA)*sizeof(double)); // similar to previous
2- If your array contains strings or other reference content array, you have to use a loop:
var A,B: array[0..10] of string;
i: integer;
for i := 0 to high(A) do
A[i] := IntToStr(i);
for i := 0 to high(A) do
B[i] := A[i]; // this doesn't copy the string content, just add a reference count to every A[], and copy a pointer: it's very fast indeed.
I have a new version of the one I had above that doesn't satisfy the main question of avoiding a loop:
class function TGen.arrayCopy<T>(const a: array of T): TArray<T>;
SetLength(result, length(a));
TArray.Copy<T>(a, result, length(a));
TArray.Copy is declared in System.Generics.Collections;
You can use a record type that uses a generic function to copy arrays to a dynamic TArray variable, which I have started using:
TGen = record // Unused record to allow generic functions.
class function arrayCopy<T>(const a: array of T): TArray<T>; static;
class function TGen.arrayCopy<T>(const a: array of T): TArray<T>;
var i: integer;
SetLength(result, length(a));
for i := Low(a) to High(a) do
result[i] := a[i];
Given a form variable
dtls: TArray<TGridSetupDetails>;
and a parameter assigned from an array over an enumerated type
const adtls: array of TGridSetupDetails
you can initialize the form variable:
dtls := TGen.arrayCopy<TGridSetupDetails>(adtls);
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